Canvas Integration Guide
Key Points:
- Approximate setup time is 10 minutes
- Once Admin integrates with Rumi with Canvas, all Instructors will have access to Rumi.
- To use Rumi with Canvas, classes and assignments must be created in Canvas, not Rumi.
- This is a single-sign on integration, your should not register new accounts on Rumi.
Step 1. Open Canvas → Click on Admin → CANVAS

Step 2. Scroll down and click on “Developer Keys”, then click on “+ Developer Key”

Step 3. Click on “+ LTI Key”

Step 4. Click on “Paste JSON” then paste the JSON file from this link, and name the key "Rumi Key" and add the following email address ""

Step 5. After creation of the key, switch the "State" to "On". Then copy the "Client Id", this is needed for Step 8 and Step 10.
Step 6. Click on Settings (left menu) → Then click on Apps (top menu)

Step 7. Click on “+ App” within Apps Tab. You may need to click on “View App Configurations” first.

Step 8. Choose by Client Id and paste the "Client ID" copied in Step 5.

Step 9. Then Click on the Settings button and click on "Deployment Id" and copy the Deployment Id, this is needed in Step 10

Step 10. Please send an email to with the following information:
- Client Id in Step 5
- Deployment Id in Step 9
- Canvas URL of your institution
- Canvas Launch Environment e.g. prod, beta, test, etc.
Step 11. Now click on “Developer Keys” again, then click on “+ Developer Key”

Step 12. This time, click on “+ API Key”

Step 13. Fill out the form using the following info
- Enter a Key Name, for example “Rumi LTI"
- In the “Owner Email” section, enter “”
- In the “Redirect URIs” section paste the following Redirect URI:
- In the “Icon URL” section paste the following: - Leave “Redirect URI (Legacy)”, “Vendor Code (LTI 2)”, “Notes” sections empty
- In the “Client Credentials Audience” section, choose “Canvas”
- Click “Save”
Note: If you wish to "Enforce Scopes", you may use the scopes listed here. You must let us know that you have enforced these scopes for your integration.

Step 14. Click on “Show Key” and store the Shared Secret, it will be used in Step 16

Step 15. Enable the key by clicking on “ON”. Store the Consumer Key, it will be used in Step 16

Step 16. Please send an email to with the following information:
Now follow the Guide for Instructor to add Rumi to an assignment
Key Points:
- Approximate setup time 3 minutes
- Your Admin must have already integrated Rumi into Canvas
- To integrate with Canvas, classes and assignments must be created in Canvas, not Rumi.
- This is a single-sign on integration, you should not register new accounts on Rumi.
Step 1. Open Canvas → Click on Courses
Step 2. Go to the “Assignments” section for a course and create a new assignment, or select an existing assignment if you already have one.
Step 3. In the “Submission Type” select “External Tool” and click the “Find” button next to the text field.

Step 4. In the dialog choose Rumi, then click on Select. Do not check the "Load in new tab" if you wish to use the embedded version of Rumi.
Step 5. Complete the rest of the Assignment Creation form and press “Save” or if the assignment hasn’t been published yet press “Save & Publish”
Step 6. Now students will see a section that redirects them to Rumi

Step 7. IMPORTANT: Tell students to do all their writing in Rumi’s Editor, THEY SHOULD NOT use another editor (i.e. Google Docs or Word) to write their essay then paste in Rumi