D2L Brightspace Integration Guide

Guide for Admins

Key Points:

  • Approximate setup time is 10 minutes
  • Once Admin integrates with Rumi with Brightspace, all Instructors will have access to Rumi.
  • To use Rumi with Brightspace, classes and assignments must be created in Brightspace, not Rumi.
  • This is a single-sign on integration, your should not register new accounts on Rumi.

Step 1. Click on Settings (Top right Cogwheel) → Choose “Manage Extensibility”

Click on Settings
Choose “Manage Extensibility”

Step 2. Select “LTI Advantage” Tab → Click “Register Tool”

Step 3. Select "Standard" and enter the following information in the form:

  • Name: Rumi Docs
  • Description: Create Rumi Assignment
  • Domain: https://app.rumiessay.com
  • Redirect URLs: https://app.rumiessay.com/api/lti1p3/launch
  • OpenID Connect Login URL: https://app.rumiessay.com/api/lti1p3/login
  • Target Link URI: https://app.rumiessay.com/api/lti1p3/launch
  • Keyset URL: https://app.rumiessay.com/api/lti1p3/jwks
  • Select “Assignment and Grade Services” under Extensions
  • Select “Send Institution Role”

Click on Register

Step 4. Share the following with Rumi (send to support@rumiessay.com)

  • Client Id
  • Brightspace Keyset URL
  • Brightspace OAuth2 Access Token URL
  • OpenID Connect Authentication Endpoint
  • Brightspace OAuth2 Audience
  • Issuer

Once data is shared with Rumi click on “View Deployments”

Copy this info and send to Rumi, then click on View Deployments

Step 5. Click on “New Deployment”

Step 6. Fill out the form with the following information

  • Enabled: On 
  • Tool: Rumi Docs
  • Name: Rumi Docs Deployment
  • Description: Implement Class AI Policy with Confidence
  • Under Extensions: Select “Assignment and Grade Services”
  • Under Security Settings check 
    • Org Unit Information 
    • User Information
    • Link Information
  • Under Configuration Settings check 
    • Grades created by LTI will be included in Final Grade
    • Auto Create Grade Items
  • Select the Organizations you want to have access to Rumi

Click on “Create Deployment” when done

Step 7. Share the “Deployment Id” with Rumi (support@rumiessay.com) then click on “Done”

Now follow the Guide for Instructor to add Rumi to an assignment

Guide for Instructors

Key Points:

  • Approximate setup time 5 minutes
  • Your Admin must have already integrated Rumi into Brightspace
  • To integrate with Brightspace, classes and assignments must be created in Brightspace, not Rumi.
  • This is a single-sign on integration, you should not register new accounts on Rumi.

Step 1. Select the course you want to add the Rumi assignment for → Click on “Content”

Step 2. Select or create a new module under table of Contents

Step 3. Select the module and click on “Existing Activities” → Select “External Learning Tools”

From “Existing Activities” select “External Learning Tools”

Step 4. Click on “Create New LTI Link”

Step 5. Add the following information:

Step 6. For the Embedded Experience click on arrow down button next to the assignment name and select “Edit Properties in place”, Uncheck “Open as External Resource”

Rumi Embedded Experience

Note: For this to work, all users (instructors and students) need to allow their browser share third party cookies

How to allow third-party cookies in Chrome

Step 7. Go to Assignments → Click on New Assignment

Step 8. Under the instructions Section: Select the hyperlink and choose Content, then choose the module and title, created in the previous step

Step 9. For the Embedded Experience, click on the link you create in the previous step and click on edit. Under “Open in” select “Current Window”

Edit the Link that you just created

Step 10. Make the assignment visible and click on “Save and Close”.

Step 11. Change Rumi assignment setting by navigating to “Content” and selecting the newly created assignment.

Step 12. IMPORTANT: Tell students to do all their writing in Rumi’s Editor, THEY SHOULD NOT use another editor (i.e. Google Docs or Word) to write their essay then paste in Rumi